July, 2010

A great week and more to come

A great week and more to come

Chefs and Champagne, 3 hours with Ratso Sloman and sharing a ride with Lenny Lopate and his lovely lady Melanie, taping a segment of “The Best Thing I Ever Made” with my son Food Network star Aaron Sanchez, fulfilling my... (Continue reading)

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Food is Art: August 7 Sue Torres of Suenos Restaurant takes you on a tour of the greenmarket followed by cooking class

Food is Art: August 7  Sue Torres of Suenos Restaurant takes you on a tour of the greenmarket followed by cooking class

Food is Art is The Mexican Cultural Institute of New York first is first culinary program, Food is Art, a series of cooking classes, lectures, and other activities designed to commemorate the bicentennial year of Mexican independence. It has been... (Continue reading)

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New Orleans Revisited

New Orleans Revisited

I hadn’t been to New Orleans since pre- Katrina and oil spill days.  At that time,  New Orleans was the capital of regional American cooking and Chef Paul Prudhomme ‘s had taken the country by storm.   I went to... (Continue reading)

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Where – or when does regional cuisine begin or end?

Where – or when does regional cuisine begin or end?

Where – or when does regional cuisine begin or end by Pedro de Aguinaga translated by Andrew Shaw I have the pleasure of presenting to you this lovely piece written by my good  friend  Pedro de Aguinaga that I originally... (Continue reading)

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Paul Prudhomme- Mentor, friend celebrated

Paul Prudhomme- Mentor, friend celebrated

I just returned from New Orleans where I’d flown  to attend Chef Paul Prudhomme’s 70th birthday party  as a surprise guest.     I hardly got to talk to or  see him because in true- Paul fashion, the party included all his... (Continue reading)

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Fourth of July Weekend – Hot, Steamy and Fun

Fourth of July Weekend - Hot, Steamy and Fun

I seldom leave town on a holiday weekend and sometimes I regret it because the city is empty and all my friends are away but I had more fun and met more interesting people this weekend than I’ve had in... (Continue reading)

Shopping and Eating in the Outer Boroughs of New York

Shopping and Eating in the Outer Boroughs of New York

Desperately seeking a good Mexican market in Queens: Today we are preparing Oaxacan botanas (appetizers)  for the opening of the exhibition of works by  famed Oaxacan artist Francisco Toledo at the Instituto Cervantes and went to Queens to try to... (Continue reading)

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The mezcal tasting and Oaxacan botana party was over but the wide variety of flavors and bouquets surprisingly still linger in my mouth and in my head and that of the guests according to the correspondence I’ve received since the... (Continue reading)

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Food is Art – upcoming Events

Food is Art - upcoming Events

Food is Art, the project my daughter, Marissa Sanchez-Bastien and  I coordinate for the Mexican Cultural Institute is really taking off with chefs and food producers from all over the country and Mexico submitting proposals for events featuring their product... (Continue reading)

Walnut Sauce from Victor’s Grandmother

Walnut Sauce from Victor’s Grandmother Probably the best known walnut is the one used for chiles en  nogada and I must confess that I had never had one made with mustard. I assume that this sauce is used as a... (Continue reading)

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