Marinades and Seasoning Pastes

Fish, Clams or Chicken in Chiltepin Sauce

Fish, Clams or Chicken in Chiltepin Sauce

    The memory of  a tantalizing aroma wafting in the air as I walked down a dusty street in Papantla, Veracruz, while shooting my PBS series, ¡Zarela! La Cocina Veracruzana! is vivid in my mind.  It came from a brassier... (Continue reading)

Black Mint (Huacatay) Sauce, Salsa de Huacatay

Black Mint (Huacatay) Sauce, Salsa de Huacatay

When I first tasted huacatay (Tagetes minuta), I was not exactly seduced. In fact I did not like it one bit and it was everywhere, in every dish it seemed. Now I am addicted to its indescribable flavor.  Luckily I... (Continue reading)

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This concept is not the same thing as recado (although both that and its Caribbean counterpart recaito must go back to the same root). It is probably related to the lengthier Spanish sofrito, which involves onions and garlic slowly cooked... (Continue reading)

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