
Peruvian Dried Potato Stew

Peruvian Dried Potato Stew

    Want to try something with completely different textures and flavor combinations.  It’ll either blow your mind or not. For our Peruvian dinner last night we cooked with recipes from Saveur Peruvian Cooking section except for this traditional dried... (Continue reading)

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The perfect trip- Belated posting

The perfect trip- Belated posting

Me, arqueologist Gaby Freyre, Marta  Nuñez and Charo Dominguez When ever I go to a new city or country and I know someone who lives there I like to ask them to show me their London, their Barcelona, or their... (Continue reading)

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Arequipa; World Heritage Site

Arequipa; World Heritage Site

The Kitchen at El Convento de Santa Cecilia. Photo by Pedro Luis de Aguinaga This is my second-to-the -last post on Peru.  I have felt it necessary to share the wonderful and not-so-wonderful experiences I lived in this fascinating country... (Continue reading)

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Market at Arequipa

Market at Arequipa

                          The first place I go when I arrive in a city new to me is head for the market. Of course I will have already done my... (Continue reading)

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Black Mint (Huacatay) Sauce, Salsa de Huacatay

Black Mint (Huacatay) Sauce, Salsa de Huacatay

When I first tasted huacatay (Tagetes minuta), I was not exactly seduced. In fact I did not like it one bit and it was everywhere, in every dish it seemed. Now I am addicted to its indescribable flavor.  Luckily I... (Continue reading)

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Cebiche Don Fernando

Cebiche Don Fernando

It wasn’t until our second to the last day that we were in Peru before I had Peru’s signature dish: cebiche or ceviche but then it was an embarrassment of riches. We  were being treated like royalty  and lavished with... (Continue reading)

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Gaston Acurio’s 18-course tasting menu

Gaston Acurio's 18-course tasting menu

No doubt if you know me and my site you also know that I am not a fan of molecular or fusion food in general but my recent meal tracing the history of food in Peru through its ingredients at... (Continue reading)

Cusco Market- A trip into the unknown and unexpected

Cusco Market- A trip into the unknown and unexpected

A trip to the Cusco market for anyone involved in or interested in the food business is mandatory and a guide is essential.  I’ve never been to any market with so many strange and wondrous things.  Even before you walk... (Continue reading)

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Cusco and impressions

Cusco and impressions

            I am not a religious person but I experienced two very different but profoundly exalting experiences in Peru that could be described as  deeply  spiritual. The first was Machu Picchu which I suppose everyone... (Continue reading)

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Peruvian food as I had hoped it would all be!

Peruvian food as I had hoped it would all be!

We finally had the kind of meal that I had expected to enjoy throughout my travels in Peru. One sparkling fresh ceviche came one after the other, exciting my palate and filling me with joy. The restaurant is Don Fernando... (Continue reading)

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