December, 2008



Photo: Laurie Smith Tortillas Article from the Oldways Table, Oldways Preservation Trust, Daily bread is a window on the soul. At least that’s true of Mexican tortillas. They were the people’s bread centuries before they received a Spanish... (Continue reading)

Mexican Education Foundation and

Mexican Education Foundation and

While doing research for my new updated web page, I discovered Angelo Cabrera and his work though Congressman Vann’s office in New York City and became painfully aware of the tremendous dropout rate and woefully low college graduation statistics... (Continue reading)

Preparing Dried Chiles

Preparing Dried Chiles

        Almost always, this simple procedure is the prelude to using dried chiles for my recipes. Very tiny chiles are toasted or blanched whole before cooking, and I have seen Oaxacan cooks fry larger chiles before soaking... (Continue reading)

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