November, 2011

The best week of my life?

The best week of my life?

I’ve posted this picture of Violeta taken by her mother, Victoria Munr,o because it captures the way I feel these days. For many children, joy comes as the result of mining something unique and wondrous about themselves from some inner... (Continue reading)

Mariachi Mass in honor of Santa Cecilia, Year three

Mariachi Mass in honor of Santa Cecilia, Year three

Encuentro de Mariachis en la ciudad de Nueva York en Honor a Santa Cecilia Wednesday, November 23 at 6:00pm     Since I discovered this festival three years ago, I’ve been trying to bring more people to listen to the... (Continue reading)

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A Heartfelt Tribute to a Much-Loved Friend: Alex Baker

A Heartfelt Tribute to a Much-Loved Friend: Alex Baker

                                                                               ... (Continue reading)