April, 2013

Fish, Clams or Chicken in Chiltepin Sauce

Fish, Clams or Chicken in Chiltepin Sauce

    The memory of  a tantalizing aroma wafting in the air as I walked down a dusty street in Papantla, Veracruz, while shooting my PBS series, ¡Zarela! La Cocina Veracruzana! is vivid in my mind.  It came from a brassier... (Continue reading)

Arequipa; World Heritage Site

Arequipa; World Heritage Site

The Kitchen at El Convento de Santa Cecilia. Photo by Pedro Luis de Aguinaga This is my second-to-the -last post on Peru.  I have felt it necessary to share the wonderful and not-so-wonderful experiences I lived in this fascinating country... (Continue reading)

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Market at Arequipa

Market at Arequipa

                          The first place I go when I arrive in a city new to me is head for the market. Of course I will have already done my... (Continue reading)

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Chilaquiles (Tortilla Casserole)

Chilaquiles (Tortilla Casserole)

Photo by Michael Sofronski , www.michaelsofronski.com   In Mexico, chilaquiles are eaten for breakfast. I used to make them as a brunch dish at home. But at Zarela, they became our most popular luncheon and dinner appetizer, which I suppose... (Continue reading)

Black Mint (Huacatay) Sauce, Salsa de Huacatay

Black Mint (Huacatay) Sauce, Salsa de Huacatay

When I first tasted huacatay (Tagetes minuta), I was not exactly seduced. In fact I did not like it one bit and it was everywhere, in every dish it seemed. Now I am addicted to its indescribable flavor.  Luckily I... (Continue reading)

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Cebiche Don Fernando

Cebiche Don Fernando

It wasn’t until our second to the last day that we were in Peru before I had Peru’s signature dish: cebiche or ceviche but then it was an embarrassment of riches. We  were being treated like royalty  and lavished with... (Continue reading)

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Jicama, Cucumber, Pineapple Soup/Salad (Gazpacho de Bienvenida)

Jicama, Cucumber, Pineapple Soup/Salad (Gazpacho de Bienvenida)

The street version does not include the serrano chiles so I will retest this and add a new photo in the near future.  At Zarela , we served this as a summer soup but it can also be a salad.... (Continue reading)

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Gaston Acurio’s 18-course tasting menu

Gaston Acurio's 18-course tasting menu

No doubt if you know me and my site you also know that I am not a fan of molecular or fusion food in general but my recent meal tracing the history of food in Peru through its ingredients at... (Continue reading)

Cusco Market- A trip into the unknown and unexpected

Cusco Market- A trip into the unknown and unexpected

A trip to the Cusco market for anyone involved in or interested in the food business is mandatory and a guide is essential.  I’ve never been to any market with so many strange and wondrous things.  Even before you walk... (Continue reading)

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Zarela Act 7 Redux

Zarela Act 7 Redux

  “If life begins with dreams and ends with memories, perhaps there comes a point in the middle where the two impulses are somehow balanced and neutralized, where the past is a manageable parade, and the future has been fed... (Continue reading)