Letter to Mom

Aaron and me Photo by Chuchie Hill

Aaron and me Photo by Chuchie Hill

I like to ask people what is the best gift they’ve ever gotten and what is the best gift they’ve ever given.  The answers are surprisingly varied. One woman said to me: “I got cancer.”  She turned a life frivolity into one of meaning and fulfillment by doing things for others and herself.  Another said that she had helped somebody die.  Most of the answers though were more  lighthearted.

The favorite gift I’ve given was to my mother on the occasion of her 75th birthday:  A good and talented friend, Bob Enderlin, made a  video history of her family, the Gabilondos, and I sent out letters to everyone who knew her asking then to write their favorite memory of her and I put their responses in an album.  She treasured both.

I’ve been blessed and have gotten many wonderful thoughtful gifts of all sorts from my friends, employees, boyfriends and my children.  For years my favorite gift was my horse, Desprecio, that a cowboy, Bachi, gave me.  The name translates into something like a “slight” or something that is slighted and nobody wants because he would not let anyone ride him until I got him.  I could go to the corral at the ranch in early morning and get on him with no bridle or saddle and gallop away.  It was thrilling.

But then I got a very special gift from my beau:  We live in a landmark home and he investigated the entire history of the house and then went to the Beinecke Library at Yale to look through the papers of two prominent ex-owners:  Muriel Draper, an interior designer and renowned hostess and discovered there a classic photograph taken by famed photographer,Walker Evans, after one of her famous parties.  Then we went through the papers of Perdita Schaffner, daughter of the poetess H.D. (Hilda Doolittle.)  Perdita’s husband, John V. Schaffner, was Craig Claiborne and James Beard’s agent so this was another case of six degrees of separation.  I suddenly felt part of New York City history, a priceless gift indeed.

This year my son, Aaron Sanchez, chef-owner of Paladar and Centrico restaurants in New York and Food Network star of Chefs vs City, Chopped and The Best thing I Ever Ate,  put up a letter on his website that I will share with you because, though he’s shared it with the world, you might not know his page and I’d love for you to check it out. I hear so many complaints about children not appreciating and often even mistreating their parents that I feel blessed indeed and hope that parents going through a difficult time with their children will take heart.
Aaron was not the easiest teenager and I am so proud of the way he has turned out/
Madre Mia

To My Mom,

Having a mother like you, I’ve always felt fortunate and joyful, but was also concerned that I wouldn’t become the man you expected me to be. I have learned from my youth to challenge those concerns and find my way through hard work and passion. And throughout this process of growth, you have been there for me in every way. You did a wonderful job raising our family and giving us endless love and support.

As a legend in the culinary world, you never pressured me into entering the food world. It was your passion for food and cooking that inspired me and ultimately gave me early success. I credit you with my love for Latin culture, food and music. Everything for me started with you. And for that I will be forever grateful.

With love,
Your Son, Aarón