The Thrill of Mariachi



For the last 2 weeks, I ran the article below on the mariachi festival in honor of the feast day of  Festival de Santa Cecilia Here ar my impressions.

It’s been 5 days now and I still feel the thrill of  hearing those first notes of Las Mananitas, the Mexican birthday song, being played by 20 different groups of mariachi that had come together into a perfectly conducted and practiced mariachi orchestra to celebrate the feast day of Santa Cecilia, the patron Saint of musicians in Brooklyn on November 23 .   It was  extraordinarily  moving,  uplifting and filled my heart with so much joy I felt I would explode.

I’ve lived in the United States for over 30 years and still  nothing takes me back home like listening to a mariachi live.  I feel a primal need to hear those opening notes of La Negra, probably the most characteristic piece of the style of music played by the street bands dressed in skin tight pants and short jackets, the sleaves and pant legs decorated with intricate embroidery or  gleaming silver or bone studs, collarless shirt, rebozo style tie and big charro hats They are said to have originated in the 18 or 19th century and are one of the popular symbols of Mexican culture.

I can hear mariachis playing at certain parties of restaurants in New York or Mexico but the sound is usually too loud for me to enjoy in my present ornery state (or is it an age thing?) .  You might be having a nice conversation with friends sipping a  cup of coffee or a drink at an outdoor cafe and they’ll come around to the tables so that one group is playing one song and  few tables down another one is belting out a different one. I do not find that pleasing unless I happen to feel like singing with them but listening to them as an ensemble was heaven and I hope they form an orchestra that will perform in theaters or venues where one can listen and dance.

The Festival of Santa Cecilia

I recently learned of a celebration that has been held for years  in Brooklyn  in honor of Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music and musicians.  It is she whom the Mexican troubadour cites as the source of inspiration. To pay her due honor, the most active mariachi crews in the New York City have brought this tradition to New York and they gather each November for a marathon of musical display at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

The evening will begin in the Basilica and starts  iin the Basilica with the traditional Mexican birthday song, Las Mananitas at 6:00PM, followed by a mariachi mass with separate ensembles all coming together as one to honor her.  A  mariachi concert and kermes (a type of fiesta follows  in the auditorium  from 8 – midnight.  Even if you are not Catholic or religious a mariachi mass is something to see and hear and just that alone is worth the ride on the N or R train to the 59th Street Station.

While the Festival of Saint Cecilia is the celebration of the work and joy of playing music, everyone is welcome to this annual event. The Festival of Saint Cecilia is held annually, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The address is the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 60th Street at Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. The Mass that begins the Festival of Saint Cecilia will be around 6:00 PM.

My readers just sent me the following information:

Mariachis, trovadores, soneros y cantantes participan en este evento anualmente. Evento incluye; misa con mariachis (20-25 grupos) y culmina con una kermés y concierto con todos los musicos y cantantes presentes.

Celebracion es en la Basilica de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro, anualmente en Noviembre, el Miercoles un día antes de acción de gracias, 6pm, 60th Street and 5th Ave., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11220, Trenes N, R – 59th Street Station.

Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of music. It is she whom the Mexican troubadour cites as the source of inspiration. To pay her due honor, the most active mariachi crews in the New York City have brought this tradition to New York and they gather each November for a marathon of musical display at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

The evening will begin in the Basilica with a Catholic service, the mariachis providing the music. Separate ensembles fused into one. At the conclusion of service the congregation will adjourn to the auditorium for a mariachi concert and fiesta.

While the Festival of Saint Cecilia is the celebration of the work and joy of playing music, everyone is welcome to this annual event. The Festival of Saint Cecilia is held annually, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The address is the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 60th Street at Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. The Mass that begins the Festival of Saint Cecilia will be around 6:00 PM.

Santa Cecilia…Encuentro de Mariachis es un evento de fraternidad con motivo de Santa Cecilia, patrona de los músicos. Mariachis, trovadores,

And if you are really into finding out who Santa Cecilia is check out\
