Ask Zarela: Lard one more time.

I tried the recipe for Huitlacoche tamales the other day and the turned out great, though I may have steamed then for too long (1st time for me making tamales). My problem is cholesterol. Am on medication and my Dr. and I are working at getting my levels down. Is there ANY acceptable substitute for lard in your recipes? Thanks!

photo by Michael SofronskiAnswer: There really is no substitute for lard in making tamales if you want them to be fluffy and delicious.  Oil and butter will produce brick-like because their crystals are too small.  In any case, lard is 2/3 UNSATURATED (butter is 50%) plus it has oleic acid which helps break down cholesterol, the  same as olive oil.  The trick though is that it has to be home-rendered.  You can see my video on  how to make it on you tube and see recipe below.

I will also put up my article on lard again so you can read all about it.

Home Rendered Lard

Please note that the pork fat must be fresh, not salted or smoked. Not all pork fat will produce asiento — try to get some with a little meat attached to the fat.

3 pounds fresh pork fat

Cut the pork into 1/2-inch dice. This is a messy job that will be easier if the fat is deeply chilled or partly frozen.
For the first stage of the rendering process, place the diced pork fat in a large, deep roasting pan or shallow Dutch oven with thick sides. (I use a 12- by 3 1/2-inch Dutch oven with a cover.) Make sure that the bits are somewhat separated, not all clumped together. Place on the stove over low heat and cook, uncovered, stirring often, for 20 minutes. The fat will have partly rendered out and the diced pieces will be somewhat (not fully) crisp. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool slightly. Pour off the clear liquid into a tall narrow container. Set aside the half-finished cracklings and any grainy residue (asiento.) You will now have about 3 cups clear, pale tan lard and 1/4 cup grainy residue. Refrigerate the lard until solid, cover tightly, and store up to a week in the refrigerator or indefinitely in the freezer.
To proceed with the second stage of the rendering process, place the half-done cracklings in the same Dutch oven or in a large cast-iron skillet. Cook, covered, stirring occasionally, over low heat for another 15 – 20 minutes, until the cracklings have yielded all their fat. Watch carefully toward the end, reducing the heat as low as possible to avoid scorching. Let cool and strain as instructed above. When the lard has cooled and set, carefully transfer into another container and separate the sediment (asiento) that has collected on the bottom of the container. You will now have about 3 – 3 1/2 cups of crisp cracklings, about 1/3 cup of asiento, and another cup of a darker, more intensely flavored lard called manteca amarilla (“yellow lard”). Use this in cooking when you want an especially rich, nutty favor. (In Oaxaca it is used to make a hearty-textured bread called pan amarillo.)
Add the second batch of asiento to the first and place in a tightly covered container. It will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week or the freezer for several months. The cracklings can be eaten out of hand (sprinkle with a little salt and powdered red chile if desired) or ground in a mortar or food processor until crumbly and added to tamal fillings; see for one suggested use. They will keep up to a week in the refrigerator but are always best eaten fresh.