Cactus (Nopalitos) Salad- Lesterloon




I had never had  a nopalitos salad made by this method method and I liked it. This is a rare chance to post the recipes in both English and Spanish. I translated Lesterlloon’s original Spanish-language version.


6 cleaned cactus paddles, cut in  julienne or thin slices

1 small red onion, thinly sliced

5 tablespoons Kosher salt

3 medium ripe red tomatoes, cut into ¼-inch dice

8 ounces queso panela or queso blanco, cut into very small dice

1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil


Place cactus and onion in a bowl with the salt.  Rub thoroughly between your hands for 10 minutes; rinse well, dry with paper towel or a clean cloth and reserve.

Add the tomato,  cheese and olive oil and serve.

Nopalitos by Laurie Smith

Nopalitos picture by Laurie Smith.

Ensalada de nopales




• 6 nopales.

• 3 jitomates en cubos.

• 200 g De queso panela en cubos.

• 100 g De cebolla morada.

• 5 cdas. De sal de grano.

• 1 cda. De aceite de oliva.



Cortar los nopales en tiras delgadas y la cebolla fileteada. Colocar en un cuenco con la sal. Con ayuda de las manos frotamos la cebolla y los nopales durante 10 minutos. Lavar con agua y escurrir. Reservar.


Añadir el jitomate, queso y aceite de oliva. Incorporar y servir.