My Favorite Mexican Dinner Menu

dining oom table
Welcoming guests into my home and introducing them  to my food fills me with joy.  It is not the fleeting moment of the m, masa teal but organizing everything that makes for the perfect party that extends the pleasure.  Planning the menu can take days as I explore all sorts of possibilities and combinations. Orchestrating all the elements  cooks, servers, decor,lighting, music,  liquor etc)  is intense and satisfying when everything falls in place .Then the dinner comes and everyone  loves it and I feel good and they feel happy but it doesn’t end there because the next day we will rehash every moment with my friends and I can relieve and experience all the fun again.  Like  Evelyn Waugh said:  We love our friends not for their ability to amuse us but our ability to amuse them.
Chile Relleno con picadillo de pollo y frutas
Here is the menu with links in cas you want to make it.

Dinner Menu

                                                                                           December 5, 2013 6:30 PM

Passed Appetizers

picadas copyPhoto Laurie Smith



Picada with pumpkin seed pepiản

Stuffed Plantain  with black beans and Mole


Mezcal Pierde Almas


First course

Huitlacoche soup (a corn mushroom, “our truffle”)

Albania Premium Selection, Pazo de Galegos 2012

Second course

Seafood frittata with Salsa Veracruzana

Zucchini cakes 

Rioja Rosado, Cune 2012


Third Course

Chiles Rellenos de Picadillo de frutas

Creamy rice casserole


 Garnacha Selecion, Santo Cristo 2011


Coffee Crunch Cake

Moscatel Superior Sherry, E. Lustau


coffee crunch cake