Pig Island 2013- a success! Everyone pigged out.

pipillow2                                                                                                                                                                 One happy me and one stuffed pig

Lame intro I know but how can I resist it?  But Pig Island 2013 was a huge success and everyone loved my Isthmian-style stuffed 200-pound pork that I served.  It was quite a production that was challenging because it took five days to put all the elements together: making the marinade; picking up the pig and marinating it in situ at EV Meat Market; making 46 pounds of stuffing which required lots and lots of  chopping with help from David Navarro; taking the stuffing to the site where the pig would be cooked after filling and sewing it up and loading it on to the rig (thanks Juan Matos;);  roasting it for 24 hours ; then chopping and serving it to 1000 people!

Most importantly to me, it let me show off a regional specialty from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Oaxaca that people would not otherwise be able to experience. I did not get to taste much but the rotisserie pork was very tasty.

A big thank you to my tireless volunteers  Jeannie, Jordan, Lisa and Ava. I could not have done it without you. You were awesome as the kids would say!  Thank you Jimmy for  inviting me to participate in this event and have the pleasure of seeing people enjoy my food again.  Thanks also to Lauren who hooked me up with  Tyson Ho whose cre perfect  pig  provided by Flying Pigs to perfection.

So now that I am finished with this pig event I am wondering whether my next post should be about my favorite pork dishes or a menu for the real Mexican Independence Days, September 15 and 16th.


Links to previous articles about the event: http://www.zarela.com/2013/oaxacan-whole-hog-with-tyson-ho-and-me/;