To Give and to Get

“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every time around this time of the year, I get all sort of gifts both from customers and people in business who hope that I like them enough to recommend them to my readers. Some others are intangible.

You’ll be hearing and reading about one very special gift:  a redesign of the restaurant given to me by a famous interior designer. It’s still somewhat of a work in progress but please drop by.  I think you’ll love it!

We were thrilled to get the cover shot in Saveur magazine’s December issue but surprised that they neglected to mention my 22-year old restaurant ZARELA.  So if you read it and wonder if  we are still open the answer is a resounding yes and it’s better than ever.

virgin-guadalupe-ornament-copy1One very special gift is a beautifully designed and made Virgen of Guadalupe hand-blown glass ornament.  It’s $35.00 but worth every cent.  The picture does not capture the delicate work or the glittery quality  but it is beautiful and a great addition to my collection of Guadalupes. Visit CasaQ for other designs

I was introduced to the owner of  Casa Q Darlene by Nathalie Herling, a passionate fan of clay pot cooking, who brought me a gorgeous black covered cazuela that has become one of my favorite cooking utensils.

Natalie describes herself as a folklorist and in addition to folklore her website/blog is full of wonderful ideas for cooking in utensils from other countries .

I have still to get a catalogue but I’m sure I’m going to want the whole collection.  We’re even talking about doing the Zarela Cazuela!

My dear friend photographer and biologist,  Fulvio Eccardi, has dedicated his life to preserving and cataloging the biological diversity chicleof Mexico and promoting sustainable use of its resources.  He sent me two boxes of one of the products that they have developed and are promoting –a fabulous natural gum (chicle) that not only is biodegradable and tastes delicious but you can chew for hours even if it does “loose its flavor on the bed post overnight!”.  Now, I know it’s not ladylike to chew gum but my jaw tends to get stiff and this has helped tremendously.  It is still only for sale in Germany and London (look at this article) but someone here should get on the bandwagon and import it into the US though production is limited.

One of the first gifts I got were some Dicho Tacos which is something like a fortune cookie but is in the shape of a taco.  Instead of a fortune inside there is a “dicho” or Mexican popular  saying such as “Mas sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.” The devil knows more because he’s old than because he’s a devil.”  Or it could be my favorite: “No hay cabron, sin pendejo.”

They’ll even put your name or logo on them.dicho-taco-copy

You can order them at Dichos, 1631 S. Hoover Ct., Wichita, KS 67209, Carina (316-943-1886) or

Earlier in the year  I was introduced to Alfredo Lopez and his group Quetzacoatl and I sang a duet with him a capella.  It was quite thrilling!  His album is wonderful and he is a very special man who does with music what I try to do with cooking.  It is called “rescate” which translates into rescue but really means to preserve.quetzalbum_small

Another intangible gift was  having the opportunity of attending the celebration of the feast day of Santa  Cecilia in Brooklyn on November 23rd. I still feel the thrill of  hearing those first notes of Las Mananitas, the Mexican birthday song, being played by 20 different groups of mariachi that had come together into a perfectly conducted and practiced mariachi orchestra   It was  extraordinarily  moving,  uplifting and filled my heart with so much joy I felt I would explode.

If you want to hire a mariachi for your next fiesta, call one of these groups:  I’m not playing favorites but their list is not complete.  When I have it, I’ll post it in the favorites section.

Aguileo Ramos. Mariachi Aguila y Plata. 212-283-4511, 917-826-4604

Claudia Magno, Mariachi Caporales de Mexico, 914-373-8119
Alvaro Paulino Jr., Mariachi Tapatio, 917-709-3885, 718-783-5786,
Jacinto Cruz, Mariachi Puebla. 718-437-7747
Mireya I. Ramos, Mariachi Flor de Toloache, 917-771-1551,
There is even a mariachi school and I’ll post the information shortly.

aarmegoodJust when we needed it mostt, August, an episode my son star chef Aaron Sanchez, and I shot for the Best Thing I Ever Ate on our creamy rice casserole aired, over and over again, and it brought in people from all over the country.  Thanks, Aaron and the Food Network.  Don’t forget to catch Aaron on Chef vs. City airing Fridays at 10:00PM.

Recently my daughter Marissa came back to work with us as a consultant for a time to help us reorganize and get au courant.  Even (or especially) New York institutions like Zarela need to be revitalized and there is nothing like a fresh eye and outlook to stimulate the staff and tweak a well-oiled  machine.

The picture I’ve posted is not Marissa’s favorite but I took it on her birthday and think it a pretty great photo,  What I like about is is that it totally captures her spirit.


If you believe that your ticket to immortality are your grandchildren who carry your genes and inherit and pass on family traits, then my son photoRodrigo and his fabulous Victoria have given me that gift in my beautiful granddaughter Violeta  Aida Junewho happens to look a lot like my mother.

Last but not least, to my staff for the daily gift of themselves and my customers for their support throughout the year. The kitchen is led by my other son,  Executive  Chef Hilario Fernandez

Executive Chef Hilario fernandez at staff party

Executive Chef Hilario fernandez at staff party

and I am lucky to have a sous-chef and jack-of -all-trades Leo, who happens to also be a great dancer. The front of the house is run by Galina, and Pierre and we thank Paul for his many years of loyalty and effort.   The wait staff changes a lot but not the kitchen–most have been there from the begining so here’s an ensemble shot after their staff party in my home.  (It’ll have to wait.  I’m still adding things.galna-paul-and-pierre-copy

What do I  give?  I can’t tell because it will ruin the surprise but one year I gave a recipe book of dishes I cook at home.  When times were good, I gave my close friends Milton Glaser’s brilliant book “Art is Work, the next  year it was Norman Doidge’s “The Brain that Changes Itself, another time everyone got music compilations of my favorite songs and last year I made 4 different bottled sauces for each.  This year is another very personal and I hope meaningful project that I’m sure will make some people very happy.