Posts Tagged ‘Paul Prudhomme’

Aida Gabilondo- My mother’s album of memories

Aida Gabilondo- My mother's album of memories

The Getaway From the time my sisters and I were young girls, my mother set out to create an album of memories for us. She thought that women’s lives were always difficult and she wanted us to have at least... (Continue reading)

New Orleans Revisited

New Orleans Revisited

I hadn’t been to New Orleans since pre- Katrina and oil spill days.  At that time,  New Orleans was the capital of regional American cooking and Chef Paul Prudhomme ‘s had taken the country by storm.   I went to... (Continue reading)

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Paul Prudhomme- Mentor, friend celebrated

Paul Prudhomme- Mentor, friend celebrated

I just returned from New Orleans where I’d flown  to attend Chef Paul Prudhomme’s 70th birthday party  as a surprise guest.     I hardly got to talk to or  see him because in true- Paul fashion, the party included all his... (Continue reading)

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Craig Claiborne’s magic wand: A modern fairytale

Craig Claiborne's magic wand: A modern fairytale

        Do you believe in fairy tales?  Well I have one for you –my Cinderella-Zarela story made possible by  two fairy godfathers,  Paul Prudhomme and New York Times food critic, Craig Claiborne who is being honored this... (Continue reading)