Posts Tagged ‘Pavo Borracho’

Mexican Thanksgiving – Stuffed Suckling Pig or Pavo Borracho (Drunken Turkey)

Mexican Thanksgiving - Stuffed Suckling Pig or Pavo Borracho (Drunken Turkey)

  Every Thanksgiving the big moment to decide comes: Do we want my sister Aida’s marvelous pavo borracho which is short on looks but big on taste or a traditional turkey that may or may not come out perfectly but... (Continue reading)

Pavo Borracho – Not this year

Pavo Borracho - Not this year

Many years ago,  New York Magazine my sister Aida’s recipe for Drunken Turkey and I still get requests for it every year.  So let’s travel to El Paso so I can put it up on the home page! Recipe: Pavo... (Continue reading)

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A Dar Gracias (Thanksgiving with Zarela’s family)

A Dar Gracias (Thanksgiving with Zarela's family)

On Zarela’s Mind: Giving Thanks (And the Famous Pavo Borracho) Pavo Borracho From my son Rodrigo’s  second grade homework book: On Thanksgiving morning my mother made a pumpkin pie. It smelled wonderful while it was baking. When the pie was... (Continue reading)