Posts Tagged ‘Culture’

Invitation: Have you ever made a Retablo or Ex-voto?

Invitation: Have you ever made a Retablo or Ex-voto?

Would you like a good reason to make one? (Translation:  I thank St. Pascual Bailon for giving me the best seasoning of all the cooks there have ever been in this ranch because now the boss comes home for lunch every... (Continue reading)

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Oaxacan Tamales de Mole Amarillo

Oaxacan Tamales de Mole Amarillo

Since pre-Hispanic times, tamales have been the number one festive food. Everywhere in Mexico tamales are fiesta food -- the equivalent of saying, "Let's party!"... (Continue reading)

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Finishing school in Guadalajara -breadcrumb flowers and cooking

Finishing school in Guadalajara -breadcrumb flowers and cooking

    Prompted by my upcoming trip to Guadalajara where I’ll be revisiting old haunts and seeing my university mates,  I started thinking how I got to Guadalajara from El Paso, Texas in the first place. Having graduated in the... (Continue reading)

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Oaxaca Food Conference – El Saber del Sabor

Oaxaca Food Conference - El Saber del Sabor

When anyone asks me where they should go to experience the real Mexico, I do not hesitate one minute before suggesting Oaxaca. There you will find the quintessential Mexico, its heart and soul.  Beyond it’s spectacular setting, Oaxaca has everything... (Continue reading)

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Mexico City: Its soul and essence with Ruth Alegria

Mexico City: Its soul and essence with  Ruth Alegria

The good thing about going to a place where you know people who’ve made their home there for years  is that you get to experience life as they live it and not as a tourist.  The bad thing is that you... (Continue reading)

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Bienvenidos! Welcome!

Bienvenidos! Welcome!

Zarela welcomes everyone to the new and improved experience. The journey into cyberspace for the perfect 'sobremesa' continues as she launches heer video blog at (Continue reading)

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