Posts Tagged ‘Juarez’

My wedding dress

My wedding dress

Place Juarez, Chihuahua. Year 1975 and my wedding day approaching. My mother-in-law to be casually asks me if I am going to wear white for my wedding. My response:  No, it’s actually off-white. Mother-in-law to be, slightly shocked, says “with... (Continue reading)

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Escabeche Casa del Sol

Escabeche Casa del Sol

Recipe: Escabeche Casa del Sol – Pickled Vegetables Summary: Our good friends the Estavillos had an excellent restaurant in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, across the border from El Paso, Texas. During the time I lived there (1973-83) there were no really... (Continue reading)

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Beatriz Terrazas and her evocative writing

Beatriz Terrazas and her evocative writing

Several years ago, Beatriz Terrazas, wrote what is still one of my favorite articles about me.  She captured exactly who I am, what I wanted to say and how I wanted to be portrayed. I thank her deeply for letting... (Continue reading)

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