Posts Tagged ‘Monterrey’

Martine Inn in Pacific Grove, CA. & Boheme Hotel, San Francisco

Martine Inn in Pacific Grove, CA. & Boheme Hotel, San Francisco

I never used to take vacations. I hated to leave the restaurant,  I’d write notes to be given with the checks to my customers  that said things like: “I hope that you enjoyed the food and were well-taken-care of,” but... (Continue reading)

Los sabores de Navidad por Rocio Lorea Canales

Los sabores de Navidad por Rocio Lorea Canales

Los Sabores de Navidad Por Rocio Lorea Canales Los dulces de mi abuela. La tasa de ponche humea frente a mi, no la bebo, me gusta el ponche con piquete y evito beber mientas escribo, esta tasa no tiene alcohol... (Continue reading)

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