Posts Tagged ‘tamales’

My mother’s tamales de chile colorado

My mother's tamales de chile colorado

                TAMALES DE CHILE COLORADO These festive red tamales are one of my earliest Christmas associations, and not mine alone. Like most tamales, they are basically as assembly job. The different elements aren’t... (Continue reading)

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Tamales 1, 2, 3

Tamales 1, 2, 3

... (Continue reading)

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My mother’S chile colorado tamales

My mother’S chile colorado tamales

Lifestyle On Zarela’s Mind: Christmas Tamales with Red Chile Pork By Zarela Martinez Published December 18, 2010 | Fox News Latino Print Email Share Comments (0) Text Size Courtesy r. vacapinta at, Creative Commons license Tamales are the celebratory... (Continue reading)

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Corn for Masa, Tamales and other masa products.

Corn for Masa, Tamales and other masa products.

It constantly amazes me just how many people are into tamales these days.  My how-to video Tamales 1-2-3 has had over 72,000 viewers,   the recipes with the most hits in my new recipe section are for tamales and there are... (Continue reading)

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Ask Zarela: Lard one more time.

Ask Zarela:  Lard one more time.

Question: I tried the recipe for Huitlacoche tamales the other day and the turned out great, though I may have steamed then for too long (1st time for me making tamales). My problem is cholesterol. Am on medication and my... (Continue reading)

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Oaxacan Tamales de Mole Amarillo

Oaxacan Tamales de Mole Amarillo

Since pre-Hispanic times, tamales have been the number one festive food. Everywhere in Mexico tamales are fiesta food -- the equivalent of saying, "Let's party!"... (Continue reading)

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Tamal panic in London

Tamal panic in London

The fascination with tamales continues Last week I got the following email with the subject being Making tamales in London: Trying I should say Zarela not many real Mexican restaurants or places to find ingredients but having a Mexican Buffet... (Continue reading)

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Tamales by Zarela Martinez for the Slowfood Guide for New York

Tamales by Zarela Martinez for the Slowfood Guide for New York

Tamales by Zarela Martinez It makes me inordinately happy to pick up the phone at Zarela and hear somebody ask, “What’s the tamale of the day?” It wouldn’t have happened when we opened fifteen years ago, because people thought all... (Continue reading)

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