Posts Tagged ‘canela’

Pico de Gallo and Tomatillo Salsa from Zarela Restaurant

Pico de Gallo and Tomatillo Salsa from Zarela Restaurant

Table sauces and how to cook with them…... (Continue reading)

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Papas con Chorizo- Amaru Uballez   My apartment smells of canela. cloves and red chile.  I just sauteed the chorizo I made on Friday after letting the mixture rest in the refrigerator to let the flavors ripen  but you don’t... (Continue reading)

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Eggplant with Veracruzana sauce- Berenjena a la veracruzana

  We seldom ate eggplant at home when we were little though it was always a favorite at Italian restaurants. But it’s eggplant season and they are glorious now and I’ve been experimenting.  I’ve turned eggplant parmigiana into berenjena a... (Continue reading)

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If you really want to cook like me

If you really want to cook like me

If you really want to cook like me… It’s like meeting an accuser. Someone marches up to me at my restaurant or after a book signing and announces with an injured air: “You know, there’s something wrong with this recipe.... (Continue reading)

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