Posts Tagged ‘Zapotec cooking’

A Sauce for Tamales named Linda

A Sauce for Tamales named Linda

Judie Meador and me Zoyla Mendoza, our Valley Zapotec  cooking expert recently gave a cooking class and this was the clear winner.  I never understood the origin of  the name only that it had to do with her two grandmothers... (Continue reading)

The Mexican Corn Kitchen

The Mexican Corn Kitchen

It’s gratifying that the event has completely “sold” out but it’s not surprising cause because there is tremendous interest in preparing and cooking with Mexican corn .  The majority of the questions I get on Ask Zarela refer to corn,... (Continue reading)

Food is Art, Celebrate Mexico Now and the Bicentennial Celebration

Food is Art, Celebrate Mexico Now and the Bicentennial Celebration

September promises to be a wonderful month for all sort of activities related to the celebration of the bi centennial of Mexican Independence and the one hundredth anniversary of the revolution of 1910 when Pancho Villa ransacked homes, killed or... (Continue reading)

Celebrating Oaxaca

Celebrating Oaxaca

Oaxaca  captured my soul since my first visit there in 1985 and I have since  felt that it is my spiritual home.  This intense fascination with the many different indigenous people and their food and traditions  led to the book... (Continue reading)

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