Posts Tagged ‘Zarela nyc’

Lice and Beans -Frijoles y piojito con Cri Cri

Lice and Beans -Frijoles y piojito con Cri Cri

Sitting in my son’s professional kitchen cleaning beans took me back to my parents’ ranch in Chihuahua, where one of the kids’ few daily duties was to clean a blue speckled shallow bandeja of beans. We would gladly do it... (Continue reading)

A Sauce for Tamales named Linda

A Sauce for Tamales named Linda

Judie Meador and me Zoyla Mendoza, our Valley Zapotec  cooking expert recently gave a cooking class and this was the clear winner.  I never understood the origin of  the name only that it had to do with her two grandmothers... (Continue reading)